Swara Yoga Sunrise Sunset Swara

Calculate for your Swara Yoga Sadhana -- year / month / date, tithi  (Indian Vedic calendar lunar days) sunrise  Swara, sunset Swara,  moonrise and moonset.   Fill, year, month,  in which you want to start your calculation, longitude for west negative, time zone behind Greenwich negative, latitude south negative. It will calculate for 366 days .  Click calculate result will display from the selected  day of the year & month to next 366 days. Calculation for one full year may slow down your system for two minute while calculation if browser ask to abort the script click no. It may ask 3 to 4 times during  calculation always click no. Calculation may take 1 minute to 2 minute time depend on your computer memory. Be patient while calculation. For your Swara yoga practice copy and paste in Microsoft word etc. and print.

Swara yoga is an ancient tantric science which need proper guideline from an adept.  We are not responsible for any claim in case  you are practicing Swara yoga using this website. 

For Bangalore India only change Year, Month and Day.

For getting Your current location Longitude and Latitude type your city village name in search box. You will get autosuggetion below select and it will auto fill Longitude latitude input. Change time zone if country is other than India, Select desired Year Month Date for calculation. Click calculate.

Longitude : Decimal degrees west longitudes must be negative
Latitude     : Decimal degrees south negative
Time Zone : Decimal hours west of or 'behind' Greenwich negative Time Zone .
Year : Year should be between 1950 to 2050
Month : Change Year, Month Days, External Link To Get Location
Click to run:   For one month  calculation
Year/Month/Date | Tithi | Sunrise:Swara | Sunset:Swara | Moonrise | Moonset

.... .....Means sun or moon below horizon all day 
**** Means sun or moon above horizon all day
------ In rise column means no rise that day and in set column - no set that day.